I need to dig into this more and see if Robin is right and that it’s all bunk.
Society of the Spectacle
If there is anything I can take away from the postmodernist bullshit artists it is that we should be aware that there are meta-narratives shaping the way we talk and think about culture and history. In particular we should be skeptical of the narratives about progress. I don’t want to be one of these bright-eyed techno-optimists that think that we will just innovate our way out of every problem. We should be asking “What Money Wants” when we look at the development of tecchnology. What research is getting funded,etc.
I am going to write a translation of the translation. Here is my first crack at decoding postmodernist nonsense into Yankee clarity:
Life used to be about being, then it descended into having, now it’s just about appearing to have.
Human beings descended to human havings and have become human appearing-to-have’s
Nurture Shock
I didn’t really read the entire book, but I think that Nuture Shock contains useful advice even for us non-parents. After all, the corporate world is full of big babies who need to be praised and criticized in a way that is: specific, honest, focused on effort instead of ability, and intermittent.
The nurtureshock.com site linked to this illuminating examination of the divergent and convergent model of creative thinking: